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  • Special Operations Warrior Foundation
    Mike swims in support of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. To find out more about the SOWF, click on the below symbol. For more information on Mike's swims and to donate to this wonderful charity, please click on the above link. And thank you!

Critical Swim Speed

  • SCM
    29 Mar 2013: 1:41.52
  • SCM
    10 Feb 2013: 1:43.09

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16 October 2011


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I'd think you'd just time the swim legs - wouldn't want the boat to have to "race" you to the next starting spot. Then we'd enter your name on the "successes" list four times - 3 for each inter-island crossing and once for your cumulative "triple." Another logistical issue to consider is the locations of the safest spots for starting & finishing - it probably won't be the "closest" point on the map. Anacapa Island, for instance, is really just a bunch of rocks - no beach to speak of.

Rob D

This sounds pretty bad ass dude :)

and Evan's right, shortest and best probably won't be the same thing and you won't necessarily surface on each swim. The start to Anacapa is two hands against a sheer cliff face, the finish beach is nice and sandy and wonderful however

Rob D.

oh and I just thought of a bonus logistical consideration... daylight... you need to schedule it so that you can complete everything while the sun is up, Cpt Bob apparently doesn't like to have swimmers in the water when it's dark outside


Good point Rob. Lots of logistics. Looks like I could use some friends on that side of the world to help scout out locations...hmmm...if only I knew someone. ;)

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