It would be difficult for me to tell the difference between Paul Krugman's editorial pieces from the crazy screeds which pass for comments on them if he didn't have his hypnotoad photo next to his work. Thank God for that picture.
In his NYT editorial, Shock Doctrine, USA, Krugman accuses the Republicans of trying to destroy unions so as to assume their powers. Heck right! Who should have the power? State employees with the power to bring the rest of us to our knees whenever they decide to stop providing the very services they were hired to provide, or elected officials beholden to the tax payers? Public unions seeking to expand their own interests at the expense of the private sector, or elected officials beholden to the tax payers? Entrenched government workers whose rolls are ever expanding, or elected officials beholden to the tax payers? The elected officials, of course.
It's all about power for Krugman and the pro-public union types, too. But their power. The power of the left, of the Democrats, of unions; all justified using the charged vocabulary and accusations of a past era with real labor and race problems. Where Republican types may be anti-union in general, this attempt to return power to those we elected to run our States is of itself a good thing and separate from any anti-union activity in the private sphere.
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Posted by: Tiffany UK | 09/16/2012 at 11:46 PM