Time and again I've been told by an educated person that they only want to work for non-profits or for the government. They have no desire to enter into the greedy world of private industry. They are idealistic, you see. They want to help people, not sell things to them for a profit. Because profits are bad. Money made off of selling services and products to people is a lower sort of pursuit. And besides, the parts of town devoted to manufacturing, assemblying, and distributing products are ugly. Nothing more idealistic and humanitarian than being able to buy a venti latte from Starbucks without getting into one's car.
Working in the private sector is for suckers.
Union will come for you two. Union will join your minds to the hive mind. Ahh, bliss.
Den kalde vinteren er snart over, forfriskende hæler lang vent debut. Denne sesongen, oversized bue dekorert med blomster, smykker og andre elementer blitt mainstream dekorere vakre og så nydelig tema mer synlig!
Posted by: MBT Sandals Sale | 09/14/2012 at 03:26 AM