Last week, the Wall Street Journal ran the essay Where Have All the Good Men Gone by Kay S. Hymowitz. She argues that more young men are choosing to put off or avoid altogether the traditional path of marriage and children. Women, on the other hand, tend to be more serious at an earlier age -- college, career, preference for long-term relationships, etc. Hymowitz sees a growing gap between what men and women are looking for.
Here are a few of her observations:
Still, for these women, one key question won't go away: Where have the good men gone? Their male peers often come across as aging frat boys, maladroit geeks or grubby slackers...
Single men have never been civilization's most responsible actors; they continue to be more troubled and less successful than men who deliberately choose to become husbands and fathers. So we can be disgusted if some of them continue to live in rooms decorated with "Star Wars" posters and crushed beer cans and to treat women like disposable estrogen toys, but we shouldn't be surprised...Relatively affluent, free of family responsibilities, and entertained by an array of media devoted to his every pleasure, the single young man can live in pig heaven—and often does.
More men are avoiding marriage. Bad, good, indifferent, we can have a debate on the subject. It's an interesting phenomenon and one that has the potential to change our society. Certainly one can discuss this situation and speculate on its causes in good faith.
Nope. Many of the male commenters on the essay are incredibly defensive and foul. And this isn't a hit piece on men. It's a strongly argued opinion essay. The kind that makes strong statements. The kind that has apparently hurt some guys' feelings.
Hymowitz cites statistics and observations and then attempts to explain the societal pressures and upheavals that have brought about this recent cultural change. It requires a certain detachment, intelligence, and maturity not to take someone's contrary opinions personally. I'd call such traits traditionally masculine -- the kind the mature man takes pride in.
But her raving male critics aren't those kind of men; not if you count up the number of times "F**K" is used as the main point of an argument. Their defensive and paranoid accusations blaming women for every wrong in their narrow universe doesn't suggest much in the way of a backbone, either. My three year old daughter accepts more responsibility for her actions than these guys.
Just about every one of the hysterical men claims:
1) they are CEOs of their own companies
2) they are highly attractive and desirable
3) they have hot sex with many many women
4) Hymowitz is a poopy head for suggesting they aren't the most manly of men
5) they have tiger blood and are winners
And these guys have built up quite a fantasy around the superiority of East European women. Seems these women are more attractive, smarter, nicer, funnier, and more appreciative of freedom lovin' guys such as themselves, especially when one helps them with their visas. I feel kinda sorry for these guys because I get the feeling they never have the upper hand in any relationship involving women.
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Posted by: Nike Free 3.0 V3 | 09/14/2012 at 03:27 AM