One group of people works towards a world where poor women can get free abortions from conveniently located Planned Parenthood clinics -- at tax payer expense, too, as abortion is a kind of human right to these types of ideologues.
But when it comes to where and how poor children are educated, this same group of people works to prevent any choice. No to charters, no to vouchers, no to religious institutes or same sex schools, or boarding schools or on-line schools. No to any change, choice, reform, or referendum even if the parents and children clamor for it. This group of ideologues knows best. Free abortions come with a price, apparently.
Then you have another group. This is the one I identify with. I'd like tax money to be directed towards real educational choices and reforms. I'd like to give parents control over where and how their children are educated. Let school choice reign. Let parents make choices, bad or good. How much worse could education get for a segment of our society? I trust people to make, in the aggregate, better choices for themselves than our self-selected elites can make.
Our self-selected elites prefer the sterility of a world where abortions are routine and people take the education they are given. I prefer a chaotic world where people make their own choices, to include poor women choosing whether they want to fund their own abortions, or choosing which school they'd like to send their children. Again, I trust people. What does the other side trust?
Pertinent Link: D.C. Wire article on DC budget deal
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Posted by: Nike Free Run Sko | 09/14/2012 at 03:31 AM