Sq: 135lb
Walking lunges: 40lb dumbbells
25 pull ups in total (8 in a row)
Made my legs incredibly sore. Still sore after the third day. And I broke my husband who unwisely thought he would just "do whatever you're doing" when he came with me to the gym. Why waste time changing out plates??
Finished third week of lchf diet. I've managed to keep very low carb. Last night, I ate filet mignon rather than our standard pizza. Not a bad switch! So far I can't say I see much difference on this diet. I'm not getting heavier, I don't crave carbs, I'm not constipated, workout energy is the same. Of course, I have been eating fewer carbs for the last several years so maybe my body doesn't care. I am so much enjoying eating steak whenever I want.