I'm still eating LCHF and eating any kind of diet with a catchy name means I have to write excruciatingly detailed and personal posts about my "journey" and personal transformation following this new doctrine, I mean, diet. Luckily for you, I'll be skipping the bathroom details. Let's just say all is A-OK and on the boring side.
From reading other people's blogs and books and testimonials though, I have to ask, "Why am I so untroubled in the bathroom department??" It's like a rite or something on any new diet to finally be regular, stop being regular, stop everything, never have a minute's peace, wonder what the hell that is, ask strangers on the internet if they've ever seen anything like what I've described, and maybe even take pics of it to bring to the doctors. Instead, I'm just sailing through life without purpose.
So nothing tantalizing on that front. What is different for me on this new way of eating? Actually, not much. I think I eat less because the fat fills me up. I seem to be more likely to skip meals, but then, I did before. I do notice less energy after hard weight workouts, but I'm also still making progress and getting stronger. I'm thirsty more often, but that's probably the kidneys groaning under all the red meat I'm eating. Suck it up, waste strainers! We all have our little challenges.
I have not gained any weight. I sleep the same. I look the same. I spend five times as much on food. But, who knows, I have no proof that this diet has not made me resistant to all illnesses, and perhaps immortal. That's something. More updates later. If you're lucky, I'll post pictures of my fat drenched meals. Instead, I'm posting this:
Low Carb High Fat tips I've learned from the internet
LCHF tip #1: If it's a floaty, you're eating fat mostly.