Still lifting weights. I've added in a bit of running just for fun. But instead of running straight at some reasonable pace I mix it up with walking because my knees have never loved long distances. I switch running and walking every song so I end up only running a bit more than half of the distance. I've done this for a half-marathon (here) and I beat my earlier conventional running time. One of the nice things about run/walk is I can run quite a bit faster than if I was trying to keep some sort of pace. After all, I'll get a break in about 2 to 3 minutes. Makes running more entertaining.
So, back to lifting. Not much new to report except that I'm up to ten wider armed pull-ups, at a time! For me, that's great. I'd like to work up to sets of ten, maybe three times in a row. Right now, I do a wide-arm set, then a narrower one, then a chin-up set. Then repeat the trio. Of course, I quickly get down to doing 5 and 3 rep sets, for a total of maybe 30 or 40. This is on leg day when there's less competition for my arm muscles. I do fewer on upper body day.
I'm a big advocate for pull-ups because they are so good for the upper body and the core. And I'm of the opinion that most women of average weight could do them. But perhaps I'm wrong, and I'm some sort of freak because so many women have sworn to me they just can't do them. I don't know....I think pull-ups are like bike riding; once you figure out the trick or technique, it suddenly all clicks.
I try to get my daughters to do them. I've offered a dollar a pull-up and so far I haven't lost any money. One of them is getting close, but dangling and pathetically pulling up half way is not going to earn you any of my money. I don't care how much you cry.... God forbid the day they figure out the mechanics!
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