OWS participants are addicted to outrage; especially to the self-serving, self-righteous kind that assumes their demands should trump everything - tradition, culture, laws, reality. It's a surplus of self-regard powered by an unrealistic assessment of one's importance married to emotions unchecked by practiced reasoning. How else to explain the people's mike? Wake up! You look ridiculous! And it's incredibly inefficient!
This week it's the bankers and Wall Street, last week it was global warming and the Palestinian right of return. Remember when it was our illegal war in Iraq before President Obama? No? But now student loans are coming due and someone must pay for our current economic woes. Let's all agree that if Bush was still in office, this would be an Occupy the White House movement instead. But as your team is in, you chose the bankers instead.
I understand you were promised so much by so many admirers - parents, teachers, peers, yourself - only to find out you too have to make your way in an unsure world, like the rest of us. And now you resent the college debts and the lack of prestigious jobs. You wanted to profit from a system built by others that had so far favored your kind, and when you learned that it wasn't going to be so easy, you blame the system. And now you demand we change the system to suit you, or else...and there is an "or else". You have nothing to offer the world but the sturm und drang of your recycled slogans and arrogant demands.
It's at the end of the you-are-so-special rainbow. Go get it!
I think we can safely assume this shining star is unfettered with college debt. She must be protesting some other debt, like of logic or something.
I talked to your parents. You got the sentiment mixed up. Guess what (or who) your parents really don't want...
I am the Alpha and the Obama
I'm all insouciant and, like, whatever over the last election. Yes, the side that hews closest to my own philosophical beliefs has lost, again. I expected as much. But being unpopular is not the same thing as being wrong. For me it's not about winning elections so much as about certain outcomes. I want freedom of choice in education. I want a strong military. I want largely unfettered trade and free enterprise. I want the least amount of bureaucracy and the least amount of governance as possible. I want a robust private sector. I want to keep highly talented immigrants here. And I want the government to stay out of my choices, whether it's abortion or the size of soda I want to drink.
Where am I going with this? I don't know. But I suspect these concepts aren't so easily attained by just having my guy win. They have to be won in the hearts and minds, not wrung out of an unwilling populace in whatever four year period we manage to snag.
Something that has bothered me for awhile: Republicans who think Obama is all powerful and will destroy everything good in our lives. This is no different than thinking he can heal with a touch.
The most important aspects of our lives are under our control. We should never imagine that one democratically elected man is the guiding force of our lives. Obama is no more our destroyer than he is our savior. Yes, more people voted for Obama and his ideology of big government. More people are idiots as far as I'm concerned. But I'm not going to join their ranks by embracing the delusion that my times are the most difficult and fraught in the history of mankind just because my guy didn't win. Maybe people should read more history.
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